12 May

Did you know volcanoes are a type of natural disaster? When lava is in a volcano it's called magma when it comes out it's called lava. Mauna Loa is the most tallest volcano at 300,000 feet. And there can be underwater volcanoes.   

Did you know that a volcanos rock are bigger than a  elephant? Some volcanoes look like mountains. There are 1,900 active volcanoes on earth. For example volcanoes are located in the ring of fire the rocks are called igneous IG-nee-us.

Another reason it is so dangerous if you live by a volcano. There are some volcanoes called mount saint Helens Mauna Loa. Mount Fuji, Mount Venus, Mount rainier. The smallest volcano in the world is the Cuexcomate.

Finally the word volcano comes from the ancient roman of fire Vulcan. The air fills with ash when volcanoes erupts. Mauna kea is the largest. Mauna Loa is no longer erupting .                                                                 .

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