11 Jan

We hatched chicks! Their names were Luna, Sunshine,Tiny and Falcon. We hatched the chicks from eggs.It took 21 days for them to hatch. Their Birthday is on Halloween! It was hard to tell them apart  because they were all yellow. We were supposed to have 5 chicks but we had 4.The  chicks  had  a  special  machine  called  the  mother  hen.They use an incubator.Their home is called a brooder. The brooder has food and water. The incubator keeps the eggs warm and  moist. You have to candle the eggs. The candler helps you know if the eggs are fertilized or not. You can tell if the eggs are going to hatch because you can see blood vessels and an eyeball. You can see the membrane, shell, embryo, yolk, chalaza, air pocket, albumin when you crack an egg. A gender reveal party is a  party to see if it's a boy or girl.

Written by Arielle Reissman,  Cruz  Miller, Evelyn Moren, and Violet Marchica.

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