The Team

These amazing second graders run this website and are 100% in charge especially our Student Written Blogs. They decide which topics should be written about and then work in groups or independently to meet their goals. They are so proud of their work!

Editor in Chief

Mrs. DeLaTorre is our editor in chief and has final approval of our student written blogs. She may be the teacher and lead learner but we work as a collective to accomplish our goals.


Hi my name is Kellan I chose the editor position over blogging because I didn’t want to blog and there was no more partners. Plus you know that saying “two heads are better than one.” My role as editor is to edit blogs and I’m the first step of the car wash, that means before they see the editor in Chief Mrs. DeLaTorre. I’m the first step to completing their blog. I have a sister, dad, mom and a dog named Jazz.

Content Creator

This is Leiani, she has been working hard emailing and uploading all of the photographs in the different galleries.