23 Jan

Sign Language

 Do you know what Sign Language is?  If You don't, I can tell you! Sometimes people use Sign Language so deaf people understand.  If blind people use it then the blind person who uses it  can not see the sign language. Did you know you can learn the alphabet in sign language? Only some deaf people use Sign Language, not all deaf people use Sign language. Deaf people can’t hear or speak. Sometimes a deaf person will write on paper instead of using sign language. You can make sign language with your hands. You can spell words with sign language. If you don’t know how to do Sign Language you can learn it by paying someone to teach you sign language. Our class learned how to sign by watching videos, we read books, and we listened to songs. We learned sign language because we were going to have a visitor and we practiced for her. So if you didn’t know  about sign language now you know sign language.By: Taelynn Gaines, Stenson Vilfrand, Landon Bottoms and Marc Lawrence

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