12 May

Did you know that Lahars are strong enough to carry a boulder? “Lahars” is an Indonesian term. Lahars are made out of water, mud, ice, debris, and dirt. Lahars are a type of mudslide.
Lahars are a natural disaster. Lahars can destroy your house. Did you know that all Lahars can drown you? The Indonesian ferm "Lahars” is also known as “debris flows". According to the website of pebble go, Lahars can travel up to 45 to 50 miles per hour. Lahars are the most threatening hazard in the cascades. Lahars are mostly in indonesia. Let me tell you how to Survive a Lahar because water is powerful When a volcano erupts, sometimes a Lahar happens. When that happens, you need to go away from that area. You will need supplies like food, water, and a medkit. You will also need your belongings. So stay safe when a Lahar happens.

By Stenson, Landon, and Ace

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