17 May

Outside it is raining hard and the drain is not working AND IT IS FLOODING!!!. Hard rain causes flash floods. Floods are a natural disaster that are dangerous.

A flood is so dangerous because if Lightning strikes and you are in the water it will kill you. Floods  follow droughts. Italy is a flooded city so if it gets flooded the water

There are four types of floods like flash floods, Low onset floods, rapid onset floods, weather onset floods. A flood can happen by a thunderstorm or a tsunami.

A flood is so destructive it can carry a home and a building and it can also carry a car. The way to stay safe is to get to a  place. A flood can happen by deforestation.   

Now you know how to stay safe from a flood. The most dangerous flood in the world was the Yellow River flood in China. It went across China and other countries. Did you know that the Yellow River floods killed about 900,000 people and left two million homeless. That proves that water is the most powerful source on earth!

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