15 May

I’m feeling something like an earthquake happening. Yeah Kellan it is an earthquake. The name of the largest earthquake is The Great Chilean earthquake. You can stay safe by not going near a window. Earthquakes are a type of natural disaster.    

Did you know earthquakes last 30 seconds or less?  That means this earthquake is almost over.  And if you want to stay safe go under a desk. But not for long. Earthquakes can make a volcano erupt.

One of the biggest earthquakes was in Alaska. Tectonic plates of the earth's crust float on magma. The world's biggest earthquake was in Valdivia on May 22, 1960.The Loma Prieta earthquake happened on October 17, 1989.

Earthquakes are formed when tectonic plates do 1 of 3 moves. They are convergent, divergent and transform. Earthquakes can form volcanoes. The largest earthquake recorded was a 9.5 magnitude. This is what happened after the Loma Prieta earthquake.

As you can see earthquakes are very dangerous. And they can kill people. Now you know earthquakes are not safe. And you should not play around them. The earthquake is over! 

 By Kellan Gillespie, Evelyn Moren and Madsen Hartley.

The Loma Prieta earthquake struck at 5:04 p.m. on Oct. 17, 1989. 

Watch us with our earthquake snap circuits. 

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