28 Feb

We read a true story called Crazy Horse’s Vision. The story is about a boy named Curly who was born in 1840. Curly was small but also mighty and Curly was a leader. Curly was very quiet in the beginning of the story. Curly was in a war called Little Bighorn. The war was hard but made it safely. In the middle of the story a white man’s cow wandered into the Lakota camp and knocked over cooking pots which were cooking food. One of the warriors killed the cow.Another way to say Crazy Horse’s name is Tashunka Witco. His original name was Curly.Crazy Horse  died on September 5, 1877. This is the memorial of  Crazy Horse. They started building it in 1948. The builders say the hair, arm, and the horse's head is going to be finished in at least 20 -30 years.

By Cruz, Ava, Leiani, and Sofia 

This is the Memorial they started to build in 1948.

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