10 Feb

 Animals camouflage to hide from predators  Camouflage means to blend into their surroundings. Some animals can camouflage, they can turn any color. So we made a  project wen we picked a bug and we camouflaged them in any color.  .We took magazines, then we got glue, and glued it on the  canvas.and we picked a  bug and cut it out and put it on the  canvas. So these are the bugs that we pickt  daddy long legs, cicada,TARANTULA, Mantis, BLACK WIDOW, House FLY, yellow jacket, BUMbLE BEES, BLUE MORPHO BUTTERFLY, LADY BUG, FIREFLIES, MONARCH BUTTERFLY, LEAF BUG,  WASP, TICK, and ORCHID MANTIS.

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