02 Nov

Valerie Taylor

 By Madsen Hartley
In my opinion Valerie Taylor is my favorite environmental champion because she is helping sharks and she is 87 years old. She helps all kinds of sea animals underwater. You can see that she stops pollution and she stops it in some places on the earth. She really looks out for the earth.
According to the site, Pebblego “Valerie Taylor helps get rid of pollution” and other things in the sea. Like getting rid of plastic in the water. She gets rid of chemicals in the water too. I wish we can get rid of those things too.
According to the text superheroes for the earth environmental activist “uses their voices, passion and actions to make a Difference”. We can do some of that if we work hard like that. She can use her actions by stepping up. She can also use her voice by saying do not throw plastic in the water. She can use her passion by loving the sea animals.
According to the text superheroes for the earth “Valerie Taylor is like an earth guardian.” She cares for the earth as if it was her own. She takes care of it like it's her palace. All of it is in her hands the water is the sea and the land is her room.
So now you can see Valerie Taylor is very helpful. She is my favorite environmental champion. She does so many things for the sea and sea animals. Like I said the earth it is like her palace she really takes care of it. Her famous quote is “I killed a shark and i wish i hadn't”.

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