15 Apr

Sir David Attenborough                               

   By Ava.B 

There are environmental activists in life and I’m going to teach you about one! Me? Yes you but there are more than one. What do they do? Well they “make sure our rivers stay clean, our trees keep growing, and animals have a safe place to live.” as stated in the text, Superheroes For The Earth. In my opinion Sir David is one of the BEST environmental champions.

To begin,Sir David Attenborough works for the BBC. BBC stands for British Broadcasting Corporation. Plus he is a neurologist and studies animals. He makes shows with the animals too. In my opinion he is a real superhero to nature and helps animals in need.

However, when sir David Attenborough was a kid he would stash bugs in his pocket just to study them. Wow! In the BBC he is a famous manager. He does writing and broadcasting. And this is one of his quotes: “cherish the natural world because you're a part of it.”

As a result, now you know all about him plus now you know that Sir David Attenborough is amazing because he did so much for the world. Ask a friend what they would do to help. And ask yourself, what can you do to save or help the world?


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