16 Jun

Theodore Roosevelt

By: Violet

In my opinion Theodore Roosevelt is the most interesting and inspiring environmental champion ever. There are so many ways that he is so great. He is the best role model. I promise you you’ll want to do more research, and you’ll think he’s such a great role model.  

One of the many reasons I think Theodore Roosevelt is interesting is that he has a Natural History Museum all about himself! He has a Natural History Museum about himself because when he was a kid he was very interested in the environment. He carried his passion on. And he keeped that passion until he died.    

Another reason I think he’s inspiring is he helped the environment. He helped by saving 230 million acres of land.  One act can go a long way, big or small.  That's an act that went a long way for me, my class, and the environment. It made it such a long way in the environment because it made a place for more animals to live, and he helped with climate change by saving lots and lots of trees.    

The last reason I think Theodore Roosevelt is cool is because he had 5 National Parks. How cool is that! As stated on the website Google “as president from 1901 to 1909,he signed legislation established five new National Parks”.  And that’s why he’s a “real-life superhero who are making our planet a better place” as stated in the text Superheroes for the Earth. According to the text Superheroes for the Earth  “environmental activists use their voices, passion, and actions to make a difference.”      

As you can see I think Theodore Roosevelt is the most inspiring and interesting environmental champion. I hope you think the same, too. And remember “you have the power to make a big difference "said the text, Superheroes for the Earth. How will you choose to help the environment? Will you choose to plant a tree or try not to use your car as much?

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