04 Mar

Rachel Carson 

by Jace

In my opinion Rachel Carson is my role model because she stopped DDT in the USA. She also created Earth day. Also she is a marine biologist and a writer.  
And the reason she stopped DDT was because it was killing animals and trees. Rachel Carson takes care of the environment. She also lived in Colfax hill. And it is located in california plus the money is 11,000 per night. DDT stands for the chemical Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane.
In my opinion Rachel Carson is the best because she created earth day. As stated in the text superheroes for the earth, “animals and plants can't talk so Environmental activists speak for them.”
Earth day is the best because you have to go green and clean up the environment and if you go green then you're awesome make sure to clean up the sea! As it is stated in the site, "pebble go earth day" became a worldwide event in 1990. Many countries now celebrate together.”
In my opinion Rachel Carson is the champion because she stopped DDT. By the way Rachel Carson has her own website, And it's called www.rachelcarson.org. And how can you make your mark?

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