02 Nov

Valerie Taylor                   

 By Rylan 

 Hi, do you know who Valerie Taylor is? She is an environmental champion, that means she helped the environment. to be exact, she helped sea life. One time she killed a shark and she said “I wish I hadn't”.
According to the article superheroes for the earth, “be mindful of using water wisely.” I think Valerie Taylor is so cool and I think you should definitely learn about her because Have you ever seen the movie Jaws? Well she did all the underwater filmein in that movie.
Up next in my opinion she is so cool because she helps sea life and sharks.And by the way she is 87 years old and her birthday is November 9th and she was born in 1935.
Last When she was a kid she wanted to be a marine biologist. One day it came true and she saved the ocean. She wanted to be a marine biologist because she wanted to help the world.
As you can see in my opinion you should definitely learn about Valerie Taylor because she is the best environmental champion. And remember… one thing can change a lot.

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