03 Nov


By Kellan Gillespie


Do you know who studies chimpanzees? Jane Goodall right. When Jane was 22 she traveled to Africa . In my opinion Jane Goodall is my favorite environmental activist. What, you have never heard of an environmental activist? Well let me tell you.

According to the article superheros for the earth “animals and plants can’t talk so activists speak for them.” That means activists help plants and animals. Jane’s full name is Dame Jane Morris goodall. The Dame in Jane’s name means the Queen of England took a sword and said “ I now name you Dame Jane Morris Goodall”.

An environmental activist is someone who takes action because of something bad like an earthquake,tornado, hurricane or climate change. According to the website, Jane Goodall Institute Jane was born in Hampstead, London, United kingdom. Jane’s favorite animals are dogs like her dog Rusty, and chimpanzees. Jane Goodall is 89 years old and she is still alive.
According to the article Superheroes for the earth, “activists teach us how to take care of our planet. Like picking up trash at the beach, your house and your city. Jane was born in April,3,1934. She has been observing animals since she was a preschooler. She was the first girl scientist to study chimpanzees. Because Jane studies chimpanzees no one can hunt chimpanzees.

So have you learned enough or are you thirsty for more? She also had a crush on Tarzan. But I bet you can’t convince me to like another activist. Because in my opinion Jane Goodall is my favorite environmental activist because she saved the chimpanzees.

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