02 Nov

All about Melati and Isabel Wisjen 

Melati and Isabel Wisjen are superheroes for the environment! Melati and Isabel Wisjen are cleaning up a LOT of plastic bags! Which makes them environmental activists! According to the text superheroes for the earth “ An environmental activist is a person who cares a lot about nature and animals.”
To start, Melati and Isabel Wisjen are superheroes fighting for the planet. making it a better place for plants, animals and humans alike. They are cleaning up plastic bags so that everyone and everything can have a better life. Just for us and everything around us.
In addition , according to the text superheroes for the earth” They make sure our rivers stay clean,our trees keep growing and animals have safe places to live. ” For instance, I think Melati and Isabel Wisjen are superheroes for the planet because they are fighting against plastic bags. Which is good for you, good for everybody and everything. So that is why Melati and Isabel Wisjen are superheroes, and not any regular superheroes, superheroes for the environment.
Lastly, for example Melati and Isabel Wisjen are trying to ban plastic bags in Bali. They are working so hard. But thay couldn't do it alone, they had to form a team, the bye bye plastic bags crew. They needed help, they needed a team. according to the internet” plastic bags take 500 to 1’000 years to break down”
So now as you know, Isabel and Melati Wisjen are superheroes for the planet. They are protecting the planet and the animals it has, they are superheroes for the environment and the planet. They need help, they need you, they can’t make the entire planet a better place on their own, they need help, they need you what will you do to help?

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