22 Jul

Our class read the book Emmanuel's Dream while learning about the differently abled community. We got inspired by the book to raise money for The Challenged Athletes Foundation (CAF). The Challenged Athletes Foundation helps provide differently abled athletes with sports equipment and opportunities to be successful.  We created and sold buttons at our school for $2.00 each. The buttons had different patterns and designs, but each button had our logo TLC for The Little Caregivers. We sold the buttons every  morning for a week in our school's rotunda. We each took turns selling the buttons. We also had an exhibition of learning where our families came in and bought buttons too. We were happy that  we raised $700 for CAF. We got these shirts from CAF because of our support. They were so proud that we helped them. 

We also created an art installation called "The Wheels of Change". We focused on everything that Emmanuel could do and was, rather than everything he can't do. Some things that we learned about him was that he is kind, helpful, persistent, optimistic, brave, and strong. Through this work  we learned that the differently abled community can do amazing things. Being disabled doesn't mean unable. 

As part of our unit on The Differently Abled Community we had a visitor from the deaf community. Listen to how impressEd she was out our class’ questions. 

At the end of our visit with her we performed the song “What a Wonderful World” by Louis Armstrong. Both her and her interpreter were so moved by our hard work to show acceptance for their community. It was a very special day. 

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