26 Aug

We created Pollinator's Paradise to help our ecosystem. It is a place where wildflowers can grow and insects can live. There wasn't enough flowers for the bees in our ecosystem. So we made this beautiful garden to help save the bees.  At first, it was just an unused space at our school. We had to start by creating a design for the space. We used carpet squares to make a "P" for Pollinator's Paradise. The squares allowed us to measure out our walking path and tell us exactly how many concrete stones we needed. We created signs with bugs and reptiles from around the school.  We also put up bug hotels and a watering station for bees. We spread many types of wildflower seeds in the ground. Finally we made a gorgeous sign for the entrance. Now our garden is finished and it is making a difference for all pollinators

Opening day at “Pollinator’s Paradise”. We took our families that were visiting for our exhibition on The Natural World to see all of our hard work. 

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